Hello my people! friends... and foes. I'm on the train to Porto. I'm bored out of my mind, so I decided to write a few lines describing what's around me. There are some loud kids talking about people they'd like to kill... they sort of got me thinking about people I used to want to kill... but that lust for vengeance and blood has faded. That violent desire to incinerate people I hated is gone because I don't hate anyone anymore. That destructive feeling just oozed out of me as I grew up. It disappeared as that part of me vanished... I've been a lot of diferent people during my short life but the person I am now is the one that suits me best. I don't care what people think or might say about me or what I do or what I like. I just try to live my life without harming anyone. That's what all people should do (but don't). An old is sitting next to me... and he reeks of alcohol so much that I'm feeling a little tipsy myself. He's chewing gum - I guess to hide the fact that he's fucking drunk (man, he's smilling at... nothing!... old weird guy). There's this kid here... I don't have the right words to describe hum... but I'll try... Remember that song from the 80's "I wear my sunglasses at night...". Well... that song comes to mind... but he's listening to some fucked up music that I categorize as noise polution. Damn... he is freaking... don't have a word for it... lol... idiot? yeah... idiot, dork... he's trying so hard to be cool he ends up ridiculous. It's disturbing.
They're all gone now. They were like pictures in a book... if you keep turning the pages you forget the pictures you've seen...
My train ride is almost over. And I have a headache. I can't wait to get home and lay on my bed staring at the blank ceiling. Running thoughts (weird, deep, uneventful) through my mind... chasing them, even. Or are they chasing me?
1 comentário:
Lool Olha tens que começar a por mais tabaco nisso olha que já não tens 18 anos looool ;) jinhos tá fixe ;)
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