terça-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2015

Random thoughts

I don't recognize myself anymore. I feel like the person I was 20 years ago has completely disappeared. I didn't quite like the person I was before but I keep being told that person was way more fun than the person I am now. But the person I am now is who I always wanted to be. The person I was before was always surrounded by drama and always had this urgent need of being in relationships - destructive relationships. The person I was before was self-destructive, mean, confused, rebellious and hateful. Odd enough, the person I was before was quite luckier than the person I am now - I had more friends, a more active social life. Today, all I want to do is sleep and maybe cuddle with someone. I don't want all the "perks" that come with an active social life - I don't care about going out, making friends or treating other people cruelly and play with their feelings. I was a real bitch. I regret a lot of the shit I did to other people and some of the choices I made along the way. But in the end, I got to where I wanted to be. I'm a solid person. Even though my shit's not in order, I know who I am and I'm not confused about stuff anymore. I know what I want. I want peace and quiet. Having fun isn't going to loud places and having a thousand friends. You can be surrounded by people and still feel alone. Having fun is doing stuff that puts a smile on your face and not do stuff because you feel obliged or you feel like other people expect you to do it. Being yourself is the most freedom you'll ever experience, so don't let other people expectations transform you. You don't have to be what other people want you to be, you can be yourself. There will always be someone out there that will love you for it. I know, I know... no one is in love with me. But give it time. It may happen, if I let it.

On the topic of love and falling in love... I've thought long and hard about it and I find it odd how so many people in the world have a relationship and act like their married. Boyfriend... Girlfriend. Why do people think those are the same as Husband or Wife? I don't get it. The so-called "friends with benefits" is what I think a relationship should be. Don't get all up in each other's business. Relax! Chill... you don't have to be like conjoined twins. You are two people! Live your own lives and come together when it suits both of you. Whoever you may be. I feel like I'm handing out advice now. But not really. I'm just getting my thoughts in order.

If your heart is broken or if you fear getting your heart broken - it will happen many times throughout your life. Fear will cripple the whole experience. The more you fear getting your heart broken the more toxic the connection will be and then it surely will end in tears. Keep in mind that nothing is forever. Even your own life has an end. Seasons end. Everything changes. The one thing that never changes it's change itself. Let yourself feel everything and enjoy every minute of it. Life is short.

So... in the end, whatever comes your way be sure and confident - you can handle it.


segunda-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2015

The Saddest Girl in the World

Tonight I'll cry myself to sleep
Because my soul is his to keep
and before I am hallow as a shell
I must forget that I have lived well
Because holding  such memories
so vivid within that everyone sees
might make it harder for someone
to let go and completely come undone,
even for someone as fair as him.
And for a split second secrets dim...
I'm wrapped around his finger
I want to leave but I always linger.
I'm the saddest girl in the world,
the saddest girl without a soul.
My crystal clear sad eyes
are empty behind all these sighs.
reckless, helpless, young and numb!
fearless, hopeless, young and dumb!
empty, sad, afraid and all alone...
hardly alive, heart hardened to stone
by him, by the world, by the universe.
unable to push through and disperse
all these thoughts I wish to un-think.
erase, go back, and run back to me!
be kind, rewind, and I'll make you see
that what's to come is so much better
than what came before...

I almost smiled

Every day I'm surrounded by people and every day I talk to people from all over the world and still I feel more alone than ever. I've never felt this lonely. The best part of my day is the short texts I get from him. After that... the best thing is to lay in my bed and close my eyes. I don't even notice that I'm drifting off. Most times I think about how awful it would be if I lost those short text messages. I would be heartbroken. Even though I can say that I don't believe nothing will come of it the text messages give me strength to make it through the day. And I'm a fool... I'm an old fool standing outside in the rain looking in. No one is there, but I can see a sort of parallel universe. Somewhere, some different lifetime where I live life to the fullest and I laugh and laugh until tears roll down my face. Happy tears. Not the tears that run down my face these days. The tears that soak my pillow late at night because the loneliness cuts so deep it hurts. Lonely tears that break through the damns I've built throughout the years. It took me a lifetime to build those damns and only seconds to destroy them all. Sometimes I cry so hard I think I will never be able to stop. Other times I just don't feel anything. But most times I feel everything all at once and I don't know if I should laugh or cry or sing or scream... And sometimes it just feels like I just got punched in the stomach. You all know that feeling when someone tells you: "it's over." - I feel that sometimes, that gut wrenching feeling like the whole world is about to end. Sometimes it feels like I'm standing still and everyone is moving way too fast for me to keep up with. All I can do is just stand there and watch everyone else live their live while I'm stuck in what feels like quicksand and then I feel like I just woke up from a really horrible nightmare only to realize that it's not over and I'm still in the nightmare. Then I think of the text messages... and my mind is still. And for a second, I swear, I almost smiled... But then I open my eyes and I know that the text messages will one day cease. I don't want to think about that time for now. I just want to go to sleep and wake up tomorrow to the sound of a text message being delivered to my phone.

segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2015

The Boss


Here's a little ditty I taught myself today. I'm sorry it sounds so bad and my "guitaring" skills really suck but I just had to share the song that's been stuck in my head for the past 4 days. Bruce Springsteen owns it, hope he doesn't get too mad I made a poor cover of it.

sábado, 21 de novembro de 2015

A fleeting moment

I could see the pain in his eyes as he sang. His music seeped in slowly and took over my body. In that moment I understood everything, I was a light cutting through the darkness and I felt everything! I felt his pain, I felt mine... Above all, I felt again. A tear rolled down my cheek but it wasn't mine, it was his. It fell into my cup and tear by tear my cup got full. The music stopped... he walked off stage and everyone just stood there as if time had stopped with the music. He took the cup from my hands, gently, without uttering a work but at the same time his eyes spoke to me and mine spoke to him - there was a mutual understanding, he knew what I was and I knew what he was. When he put the cup up to his lips he looked down, in hesitation, but has his eyes met mine again he just drew his head back and drank all of those tears. He drank them as if they were some kind of fine wine. He turned his back on me and walked back on stage and the music started from where it stopped but now he was smiling and all I had understood and had shared with him in that moment was gone, and his music sounded foreign and bland. That one fleeting moment, that perfect pain we all feel and dwell in and feed off of was gone and I knew that I would never experience anything like that ever again. I went back to feeling nothing, just numb, and I was no longer a light cutting the darkness; I was part of the darkness. I was my own darkness again.

segunda-feira, 19 de outubro de 2015


I've joined the "work force". I got myself a (supposed) 9 to 5 job that basically takes up over 15 hours of my day which means that when I get home I basically have a bowl of soup, kiss my son goodnight and pass out on my bed. Some nights I don't even get under the covers. Other nights I stare at the ceiling asking myself over and over "what the fuck am I doing?" and I answer myself that I am doing what "regular" people do. Then I start thinking how insane it is that I spend 2 hours on the road to go to and from work to do a job that basically has me dealing with stupid little problems and petty little people who feel like they're entitled to everything and that sort of like have sticks rammed right up their asses. I can't stand it! But honestly... I don't have the energy to do anything else. This is comfortable for now and I'm not too bad at it. When I get to that real breaking point I'll just quit and stay home and plant shit. I'll go agricultural all up in this bitch.

As for love... well... if I don't have time to write and let you all know what's up I certainly don't have any time to fall head over heels. I don't even have time to look at someone twice. I have no time. For anything. Not even for myself. I have re-discovered The Magnetic Fields and has I sat here listening to their box-set album 69 love songs I couldn't help but thinking how negligent I've been with my blog - something that I used to love doing. But I've felt so uninspired and stressed out lately (ever since I started working - since April, actually - wow! has it been that long?) that I haven't found the energy, drive or will to write. It sort of feels like the poetry in me has been sucked out of me like someone sucks marrow from a bone; it feels like the poetry withing me has died. Ironically, I'm just now listening to the track "I think I need a new heart" which is so appropriate for what I am just writing. And the track after that one is "book of love" which will make me cry. Why? Because I've never had anything like what is described in the song - no one reading to me, or singing to me. Such a simple song...I think that simplicity is what I love the most about any type of art. Even though the beauty of the song moved me I am still not able to find the right words to express all that I am feeling.

Depression - let's talk about that for a bit. I have it - most people have it. Those who don't have it, don't understand it. They think that depression is the same as being sad. It isn't. You can be depressed and still smile and laugh. You can be sad and not be depressed. You can be depressed and sad at the same time but they're definitely not the same. Sadness is a feeling that is brought upon by some event or whatever it is you're experiencing. Depression... it's like a ghost haunting you. It stick to you like crazy glue until it becomes part of your being and it's part of your genetic make-up. You can't escape it and you certainly can't pretend it's not there. Sometimes it's so crippling all you do is try hard to find the strength not to end your life. It's not about finding the will to get out of bed - it's about finding the will not to end it all. It's about thinking about everyone around you and how your absence would affect them. It's not about me anymore. I'm not living anymore. I'm a walking corpse. I live because I have to. I can't let my family down, they need me. And even though they have no idea that I'm feeling this way and when I try to talk to them about it they come up with the same story: just be happy! Oh, if it only were that simple... No one chooses to be depressed. It's not a fucking choice! Why can't anyone understand it? Sometimes I catch myself screaming so loud inside my head - but all around me there's only silence. I dream of a day I'll be able to overcome all of this and feel like the darkness inside me has dissipated but for now... it's not a choice. And although I find some measure of joy in small things around me and in my son, I am still depressed. I cry myself to sleep each night and I don't even know why I'm crying - I'm not sad but the tears won't stop falling down my face and that feeling of despair doesn't go away - it's always there, like a ghost in the back of my head waiting for the most inappropriate moments to jump out and scare the shit out of me and everyone around me. People stare at me like I'm crazy - I've gotten used to it. But it still does hurt. Why do people think that "crazy" and "stupid" are the same? I don't think I'm sane... but I also don't think of myself as being insane. But one thing you can be sure of - I'm definitely not stupid. So why is it that some people are so fucking patronizing and talk to me like I'm slow or like I'm an idiot? Sometimes I feel like kicking the living shit out of those type of people. Not because I feel insulted but because I know they'll treat other people like that and it's fucking ridiculous. But I ramble now... About this whole depression thing... I don't want to talk more about it. Let's put that subject in the "later" drawer.

The only thing I can think of right now is that romance is dead and I'll die alone. Not alone, I'll have my sister and a whole bunch of cats. But basically, all I ever wanted is the one thing I'll never have - true love.

domingo, 29 de março de 2015

Even if

I don't know what to do with myself. I don't know where to go either. These past few years feel a lot like a car wreck you see on TV in slow motion and you can analyze every detail of what's going on but you can't stop it or avoid it. You can only see it happening. You have no influence on any of it because it's like it already happened but you relive it every day like a nightmare... a waking nightmare. That's what the past few years have felt like. And now that I am going in a different direction I'm a bit scared that it's not actually a different direction but a whole new nightmare taking hold. I don't want to let the panic seep in but it's sort of unavoidable. I can't help but think of all the things that could go wrong. Typical me - thinking of what could go wrong and never thinking of what could be awesome. Even if awesome hit me in the face I'm still thinking of what could go wrong next. Even if I'm content I still think of a thousand ways I could easily slip and fall into misery. Even if people tell me I'm doing okay I'm still thinking I'm useless. Even when I think that things might turn around I'm still thinking that it's bullshit, that things will never really work out for me in the end. Why the fuck am I so annoyingly defeatist? Why can't I just carpe diem like most people and suck all the marrow out of life?

My life has been pretty uneventful lately. I go to work, I get off work, I come home. Pretty straightforward and boring. I'm used to boring. I enjoy boring. There was a time that boring was just boring. But now, boring is comfortable and safe. Boring is a step closer to perfection. I'm so perfectly boring I even spaced out for a few moments thinking about all kinds of different ways to spend a boring afternoon. I know you're wondering if I feel lonely... I do. I won't deny it. But it's better to be alone than with the wrong person. So I steer clear of those now and in the future I need to be absolutely sure that the other person is actually a right person and not a complete fucking psycho. As I think this - in a sort of inner monologue style - I'm listening to Veruca Salt looking out my window. So many flickering distant lights... I wonder how many other people are having similar inner monologues and how many are heartbroken. I wonder how many are listening to music, like I am, and reflecting on such happenings of their daily life. I wonder how many are looking out their window wondering the same as I am. I wonder how many are looking for that one true love that will set them on fire and consume them (but in a good way). The other day I was driving home from work and thinking about just that... how before love was urgent, a sort of fire that had to be put out. And I don't think that was actually love. It was a sort of itch that needed scratching. So I guess it's safe to say that it was heated passion binded by lust. Love isn't fleeting... it grows stronger each day. I assume it does. I'm not really sure what it's all about. I mean... so many writers have tried to nail that one down and we still have no idea how to describe it. Mostly because I think that it hits people in different ways... maybe it has something to do with the soul. There aren't two souls alike. There might be kindred souls or soulmates. People that complete each other like the two halves that walk the earth looking for each other - that sort of thing. And those might walk by each other down the street and have some sort of magnetic connection or spark. But not act on it... then what? Even if they do have that spark or whatever they just walked on because... well... life. Life happens way too fast. People are always way too caught up with... I don't even know. All the crap they deal with everyday. They don't stop to appreciate what's going on around them. And that's kind of sad. But even if I stop to watch life happening around me I feel utterly alone. Because it's like I'm on pause in a sea of blurred faces fast forwarding around me.

segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2015

sábado, 21 de março de 2015

No Regrets At All

When the rain started falling
I was sitting quietly in my chair
nursing an illness that took hold
and wouldn't let go easily
I heard the sound of rain
and I closed my tired eyes
so that I could listen to it's sweet sound
drip, drip, drip on my window
washing away all that is old
bringing back my voice again
drowning out all of my weary sighs
drip, drop on the hard dry ground
it's sound a distant calling
why do I love the rain so much?
If I weren't this ill I'd run out
and dance in it until I was soaked
with my huge voice I would shout
I would shut my eyes and face up at the dark sky
so that I might feel it running down my face
filled with grace and without a hint of lie
Then I would silently walk back inside
and peel off my wet clothes
toss them aside
crawl into bed and dream all the dreams
that I have never dreamed before
But what I dream of most these days
is everything no one else looks for
it's what everyone runs from
no one wants any and I would kill for some
But I will not dare speak it
I will never say it out loud
I will just stand still in a crowd
hoping to be seen, to be felt
longing for the rain to fall once more
like it did today and like it did before
like it will always fall when I least expect it
drip, drip on my window
drip, drop on the hard dry ground
like tears running down my face
the rain masks the tears running down my face
and that being the case
some might wonder why, some might not care
why I sit quietly in my chair
this night nursing myself back to health
listening to the wind outside
whisper their names
like a lover once whispered in my ear:
"Let go of your fear"
And so let go I did and I loved
then I didn't anymore. I just felt pain
Love had left me as did the passionate whispers
They were gone never to come back again
So today I sit in this chair
Listening to the rain outside fall
Thinking of different times, a different life
but not regretting anything at all.

welcome to society

sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2015

respiratory tract infection

Voice trapped in throat
Lungs set on fire
By a never ending cough
A sore body lying
Perfectly still
That's how I've been I'll.
Eyes closed. Sleep.
Eyes open. Weep.
Mouth opens. Nothing...
No sound. Not even a whisper.
Days spent sipping tea
Days as long as years
There was an eclipse I didn't see
Seems like I miss everything...

My Fate

My fate has been raped
Over and over... Again and again
By chance and circumstance.
My fate is broken
Traumatized beyond belief
Without hope or any kind of relief.
It's voice taken
snatchet in an instant
by the foulest of thieves
A heart that grieves
what has yet to come
what might seem auspicious to some
A heart that desires
what has been
passion fueled fires
that used to burn within
But my fate is not my own
it is hallowed and disgraced
by chance unknown
and circumstance unclear
My fate has been raped
and left bloodied on the floor
nothing will ever be as before.
My fate has been raped
by chance and circumstance
while I quietly slept.
It's the only secret I ever kept...

domingo, 15 de março de 2015

Now what?

What happens when you realize your best days are behind you? Do you freak out? Do you shake it off and tell yourself it's bullshit and go out and do the craziest shit you can think of to prove to yourself that all days will be awesome? Do you roll up in a ball and cry? Do you just sit there gazing at a flickering cursor wondering what to write next? Do you ask yourself: "now what?"

I want to believe that there is no such thing as glory days but sometimes I catch myself reminiscing and I smile. Sometimes I catch myself thinking or wishing that I could go back and change a few things or do some of it differently. Sometimes, when I talk with my sister about the person I used to be, I can hardly recognize myself in all the stories we talk about. I don't see myself as a fierce young sharp devil ready to party all night long. Have I really changed that much? The answer is yes. I have changed that much. I hate partying all night long. Heck! I hate partying. I actually think I hate parties. I am not fierce or young anymore although I am still sharp and there is still a bit of a devil in me. I am just not the same person and sometimes it's hard for me and for other people who knew me before to understand how or why I changed. If you were to ask me... I would have to answer: "I have no friggin' clue!" Life choices? I don't know... Stuff, I guess.

I am working on a new poem but it's taking a while to birth it all the way through. It's a process. A long, hard process. Eventually I'll finish it. And it won't be good. But it'll be a first step to getting my writing mojo back. Hopefully... Yeah... Even if all I write is crap until the day I die, I'll be happy because I'm writing. If someone were to jump through my window and break my hands I'd be a wreak. So... yeah... Geez! I don't really have much to say... I've been in bed since Friday trying to recuperate from a nasty lung infection (damn pine tree dust). Figures I'd be allergic to the mountain's fresh air... Well... I'm all patched up and ready to get my ass back into gear.

I'll be going back to work tomorrow. It's not my dream job but I have to be realistic and accept that I'm too old to get my dream job. Especially in this fucking country where everyone is fucking corrupt and on the take. So... I'll just settle in to this job and hopefully I can make it there. The people there are super awesome and that's like... one of the main reasons for me to stick around. The actual work is sometimes stressful and sometimes rewarding. It's a 50/50 thing. I know it'll grow on me. It just pisses me off that this country does not give art a chance. Oh well... I'll keep on doing it on the side during my time off. I tell myself this but in truth I haven't done much for art's sake. I'm ashamed to admit it but... it's the truth. I spent the day researching recipes for a St. Patty's cake. Tomorrow... we bake! Yeah... I know what you're thinking... "pot brownies". But no... none of that. Maybe I'll post a picture of my "masterpiece" on here if it doesn't look too gross. Yeah... I'm not much of a baker. I can cook up a storm but baking cakes or cookies is definitely not my thing. I also don't have a sweet-tooth.

Wow. I'm all over the place. I don't even remember what I was thinking about when I started this post. I guess the notion of "now what?" kind of freaked me out a bit and I just rambled. Rambling is good sometimes. You get the chance to "throw" all your inner "stuff" out there. Sort of like exorcising demons. And believe me, I have plenty of those in need of exorcising. As for the "now what?" thing... just close your eyes, breathe, listen to some nice music and relax. Tomorrow is a whole new day.

sexta-feira, 13 de março de 2015

Being ill on Friday the 13th

Another lung infection hit me like a ton of bricks. I woke up at 3 am with a nasty sore throat. I could barely swallow. I was in pain... It felt like I had an elephant sitting on my chest. I could barely breathe. A cough took over and I had to run to the bathroom where I threw up a couple of times. My throat was getting worse. It felt like I had a fiery cotton ball stuck in my throat. I felt like crap. I washed my face with ice cold water. I grabbed hold of my bathroom sink and looked in the mirror while water dripped down my face. I'm not quite sure if it was actually water or sweat. I felt like I would die but that's just the hipochondriac in me. I took some pills and went back to bed. I couldn't sleep. I stared at the ceiling and watched as the lights seem to dance around. I heard the church bell toll 4. And then 5. Then 6. At 7 the alarm went off. I was still feeling like crap but I slowly got out of bed. I was standing for a few seconds and had to run back to bathroom and threw up again. I thought that I would feel better while I drove to work so I just stuck to my routine and drove to work.I felt worse. I talked with my supervisor and HR and explained how I was feeling. Theytold me that I should go home and that my health was more important. For the first time in my life I felt like a person. Actual human beings wanted me to get better and weren'thoping for my demise. It felt like I mattered. It meant a lot. I drove back home and went in to see the doctor. I went in to the centre where I usually go and just my luck! Doctors were on strike. The clerk seemed way to happy about it and told me I would have to go somewhere else. I lost it and called her a fucking asshole because I could see doctors walking in the background. I know I wear glasses but I'm not blind. She just wanted to make my life hell. I walked down the stairs and found a doctor and I was now hyperventilating or whatever. I was having a total meltdown. So he calmed me down and told him what had just happened. He got a nurse and she took me back up in an elevator and I got a doctor to look at me. The doctor was absolutely awesome. He prescribed everything I needed and set up a lung exam which will be scheduled soon. Hopefully. I need to get this into check. I can't be sick all the time.

And so now I'm in bed nursing myself back to health looking out the window watching the sun shine and wondering why do crappy things always happen to me on Friday the 13th.

domingo, 8 de março de 2015

Something in the air

Days are getting longer and you feel temperature slowly rising. You leave layers of clothes at home one by one. And you're ate work wondering what the sun will feel like on your face once you get a break. And when the clock strikes "break time" you run outside and soak up all the sunshine that you can. You store all the warmth you can because it was a long winter and it's almost over. Most of us are longing for Spring already so we take off our layers of clothes a little bit faster than we should. Some feel like there's something in the air and they use that "excuse" for falling in love as if falling in love is a bad thing. Other people barely notice the changing of the seasons because they're all so caught up in their daily routines. And other people, like me, find magic in trivialities and ordinary days. Every minute that your heart beats is a small miracle. Every once of pai you've ever felt was an anti-venom and a learning experience. Every heartache was another step closer to the right person. But one should never forget to also be the right person because searching for the right person is never enough. I do believe there definitely is something in the air - the smell of spring, warmth, magic and promises of better things to come.

quinta-feira, 5 de março de 2015


Day in and day out. Everything is the same. You're routine is perfectly timed. Sometimes you have a lucid moment and you realize you've become some sort of robot stumbling through life. You don't enjoy the simple things you once loved and you don't feel any kind of joy or bliss. You're always focused on the next step of your routine. It's sort of living-death... You're a zombie. A robot. A zombie-robot or a robot-zombie. Whatever floats your boat. You want to break free from the rut you got stuck in but you can't. It slowly seeped into to you right down to your bones. It's like a cancer... Chemotherapy won't get rid of it. And you keep hoping for a jolt of lightning to restart or reboot your system. And maybe once that painful jolt of energy surges through you, you can set yourself free and restart get back to your life and hopefully know enough not to make the same mistakes that led you to fall into the rut that completely zombifies you and corrupted your system. Even if you are stuck in a rut and your eyes are glazed over one can still catch a glimpse of humanity, one can still see a shimmer or fragment of soul. I would urge people to help these zombified individuals to snap out of it. I would ask these enlightened people to become the jolts of lightning that might set the zombie-robots or robot-zombies free. Because if you don't you'll be taking a step closer to becoming zombie-robots or robot-zombies yourself. And you certainly don't want that to happen. Do you?
Am I zombified? Not fully... But my system is crashing and I am slowly turning into a zombie even though I am aware that I have a perfectly timed routine and that I don't stop to enjoy my surroundings. Is it a choice or something that just happened? I am not entirely sure. I can't really remember how it started. It's basically a coping mechanism. It's a safe guard from any extra pain I might feel by putting myself out there. It's a fucked up way to refrain from... well... Fucking up!  And maybe it's not something that happens to everyone. Maybe it's just my problem. Maybe it only happens to me. So I need to look up, open my arms and wait for that perfect jolt of lightning to reset me back to my normal self which isn't actually very normal. Maybe it'll happen tomorrow or next week. Maybe it will never happen. I can only just wait...

Death or pain?

Once you get to the end of your chosen path you need to figure out if you want to take a new path or just give up. But giving up is the same as dying. So basically you have to choose between pain or death. Which do you prefer? Constant pain or death? Death sometimes sounds good because it'll end your agonizing pain. But choosing death is the coward's way out and I am anything but a coward. So I will always choose agony, excruciating pain... I will always choose new paths. Even if they're the wrong ones. But I'll never give up. I am strong and independent. And I own up to my choices. Even the wrong ones. Contemplating death is just not an option. I will always fight until my last breath.

randomness of a.m. thoughts

I just woke up. It's 6 a.m. and I'm still in bed. The first thing I thought of was to grab my phone and check the time. Maybe this time I had slept 8 hours. No joy. I slept 7 hours. But at least I slept 7 hours straight. I still have an hour left and I even turned to the side to try and go back to sleep. My brain won't let me. All the thoughts and processes just start hammering away and there's just no use trying to stop it and go back to sleep. I'll just end up feeling frustrated.

Yesterday evening when I was driving home the sun was setting. It had been a good day. The sun shone down on us all and we felt amazing. Driving home the sky was filled with colors like an awesome piece of art. Even though it wasn't fully far you could see the moon. It was pale, full and bright and I thought that I was just like that moon - pale and full... sometimes bright. There was a circle around the moon which is a sign of trouble about to come. I was alert. I am fully alert. After talking with the latest object of my obsession I realized we are not in sync and so after careful consideration i decided to keep my distance. When two people are not in the same wave length it always ends badly and I don't want that to happen. I'd rather just keep my head down and do nothing. Detachment is something I don't fully understand. How can some people just sleep with someone without feeling a spark of anything? I'm not talking about physical attraction. A person can feel attracted to someone and not act on it. I'm talking about passion or caring. Maybe even love. Because there are different types of love. And you can love someone and have a carefree friends with benefits situation. But people always seem to think that if you're not detached you're attached. I don't see it that way. You can have the in between - the friends with benefits. If you think about it carefully you can't ever have a successful full-on all the way relationship without being friends first. There has to be mutual respect and caring. There has to be complicity and companionship. Without any of these a relationship will fail. And just because you live with someone or you have some kind of verbal or written agreement doesn't make your relationship successful. People tend to get lazy and stuck in a rut. To top off this morning randomness of thoughts - I love all my friends. I feel for them and I care about them. I could never sleep with someone I didn't feel something for. But I am fully aware that I am not built for a full-on let's live together relationship. That being said... I'm just going to stick to my job, hang out with my co-workers, stay put and just breathe.

quarta-feira, 4 de março de 2015

Roll the Dice

If you’re going to try, go all the
otherwise, don’t even start.

if you’re going to try, go all the
this could mean losing girlfriends,
wives, relatives, jobs and
maybe your mind.

go all the way.
it could mean not eating for 3 or 4 days.
it could mean freezing on a
park bench.
it could mean jail,
it could mean derision,
isolation is the gift,
all others are a test of your
endurance, of
how much you really want to
do it.
and you’ll do it
despite rejection and the worst odds
and it will be better than
anything else
you can imagine.
if you’re going to try,
go all the way.
there is no other feeling like
you will be alone with the gods
and the nights will flame with

do it, do it, do it.
do it.

all the way.
all the way.

you will ride life straight to
perfect laughter, its
the only good fight
there is.

And I’m doing it
Enduring the long distance between us
Facing myself when there’s silence and darkness
Working while loosing my passion for it
Living in a city that left me long ago
Pushing time forward
Trying to live my dream
Holding my future closeby
Reading Wilde’s words
And still smiling
I’m doing it.

Charles Bukowski

terça-feira, 3 de março de 2015

we are not gods

I woke up feeling on top of the world. I was feeling like everything was going my way and that the world was my oyster. I had told him last night what it felt like when I thought I would never actually get to hang out with him and laugh with him. It was scary to think that it might not happen and it was a surprise for me to find out how sad I would be if I had never met him in the first place. And it's so ironic and a sort of slap on the face after I tried so hard not to let myself get involved with anyone or even think of anyone. Now... Well... I just find myself thinking of him all the time. I can't even sleep! He's slowly driving me insane and getting under my skin. Is it a good thing? Only time will tell... But it sure does feel good.

As I was saying, I woke up feeling pretty awesome. I got in my car and made my way to work. It's a long and time consuming drive but so far it always was a pretty standard drive. Except for today... There was some sort of oil spill on the road and I lost control of my car. I managed to not drive down the bloody mountain but it was enough to scare the crap out of me. It was only for a second... But during that one second all the possibilities flashed before me and I saw so much of what I would miss... And I realized that everything can be lost in just one second. We are mortal, not gods. That split second made me aware of so much and it scared me. The feeling I woke up with was muffled by fear. I was shaking... My whole body was trembling. But I didn't even stop the car. I just kept on going because... Well... Because if I actually stopped the car I would have cried uncontrollably and I didn't have time for that. And now I'm about to clock in still thinking of him but not feeling as cocky as I did this morning.

domingo, 1 de março de 2015

Walk on

Lets get real for a moment... about love, that is. It's hard to find love. Sometimes you think you found it only to realize it was just an illusion. You might think you're in love and it's only the longing to be loved and love someone that tricks your mind into thinking that you're in love. Sometimes you actually start to believe you're in love but the other person is just comfortable with you and doesn't even bother to actually look for "the right one". The other person might be involved with you and a string of other "wrong ones". Because... you know... twice as much love is always better than none. Even if it's not actually love. Sometimes you actually feel love for someone but that person isn't ready or isn't the person you're supposed to be. There are so many variables to take into account. It's insane anyone ever finds love. I don't even see myself falling in love anymore. I don't see myself being happily in love with someone in the future. I can't see myself being happy or in love. I guess I've exhausted all my trials and there's no backsies! You can't take anything back. Once your heart gets broken enough times you're more than ready to call it quits. But it's fine. One can lead a perfectly reasonable and content life. That's my goal now. I know most people are used to me writing all these kinds of doomed love poems but I don't think I have any of those left in me. I don't know what kind of poetry I'll write in the future or if I'll ever get through this writer's block but I don't think it'll be about the most exquisite pain - love. I'm probably never going to write poetry again. You might ask me how I know this... well... I know this just as much as I know that I'll never love again. Even though I've never actually felt the kind of love you read about in books and see in the movies... I have loved. In my own way. When I was a young girl in my teens love was urgent. When I was in my twenties love was messy and confusing. And now... Love was supposed to be patient and kind. But it isn't. It just keeps getting messier and it keeps getting more and more confusing. And I know I'll never love again. I know I'll never feel like that again.

I've had some relationships. They've all ended. Some badly and others with mutual agreement. Some were long and others lasted what seemed like a minute. Some unforgettable... Others you forget. And some you wish you could forget. The unforgettable make you wonder "what if?" and they make you daydream and wish you had done certain things differently. The ones you forget were rebounds, the ones that lasted but a second. And the ones you wish you could forget are the huge mistakes you wish you could take back or fix. I've had all of these at one point or another in my life. And after some time reflecting on all the relationships I've had I can surely affirm that none were the kind of love that time sits still for. None were epic love stories like you read in books or see in movies. None felt at any point like forever. And I so wanted for at least one of them to have been a forever type love because then I could move on with my life knowing that I had lived an epic love story. Knowing that I could live out the rest of my life content and with peace of mind. But after analyzing my past love life I have come to the sad conclusion that I've never had an epic love. It's a sad realization. And there's nothing I can do about it. I just have to mend my heart and move on. I don't want to end these thoughts with the "maybe some day" hope type thing because that's the furthest thing from my mind and I don't believe that some day I'll have my epic love story. I'm actually quite sure it won't happen. Why? Because I am not open to it. I don't want it. I don't want it anymore. I'm not the silly young girl who dreamed of a fairy-tale love story. I'm not the confused young woman wearing her heart on her sleeve. I am this person... a person who is done waiting. I am a person looking forward without fear or doubt. I am a person excited to walk down this path I've been avoiding for so long. But it's time now. It's time to drop silly notions of romance and walk on.

sexta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2015

a new perspective

Once in a while something happens and it changes the whole course of your life even if at that moment you don't realize how that one thing will affect the rest of your life. If you think about it life is just a string of small occurrences that shape your path. Sometimes you choose your path and other times you're thrown upon it or it's chosen for you. Sometimes it chooses you. But you only perceive all this as you grow older. Growing older is somewhat bitter-sweet. You become aware of so many things you took for granted or were too naive to understand before. You think back and think about all the things you'd take back or do differently. You actually grow up. And it hurts to grow up. Growing up is the hardest thing you'll ever do in your entire life. Your whole perspective shifts and as you grow older it keeps shifting. You look upon younger people walking down the street and you recognize your younger self. It's like you're watching a younger version of yourself. You feel somewhat angry because you can't get back your youth or change your past. But you're satisfied with the person you've become and the road you took to get there. And that's where I am now - content. I am not blissfully happy but I am well on my way...

segunda-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2015

New Beginings

I feel like someone breathed new life into me. Starting a new job at a different city is exactly what I needed. I feel so much better... I also quit smoking. I'm absolutely over the whole moping around feeling sorry for myself. It feels terrific knowing that you belong somewhere doing stuff that matters. It's the best feeling in the world. I'm in love with this job... I might just marry it! I'm sure I will.

I've been diving deeper into the story of Hindsight. I too wish I could go back in time and correct my most stupid mistakes. I would correct so many that I made recently. Funny how I regret most of the shit I let happen these past two or three years instead of all the stupid shit I did when I was younger. But you know what? All the stupid shit I did when I was young was fun and helped me learn about life and figure out who I am. The shit I let happen to me recently... was just stupid! I'm old enough to know better and not let stupid shit like that happen to me. Jesus! having people tell you that you have problems is really annoying especially when you don't have any! It's always annoying when people are trying to get you to admit you have an non-existing problem so they can feel validated or feel better about themselves... like... it's not all their fault. That's such bullshit and it really pisses me off. People should just admit they're assholes and move on. That would gain my respect. Not this projecting their bullshit onto others. That's just fucking lame.

By and by things are going to get better. I'll be able to see places I always wanted to see and do things I always wanted to do. And I'll see them and do them all on my own. I don't need anyone. I know who I am and I am perfectly happy being this person. And if anyone doesn't like who I am and who I was... well... that's just too fucking bad. I'm not going to change. Ever! Of course I might consider letting my sister tag alone because she's funny and we have fun together sometimes. I guess we can have fun together again... I'm not as somber as I was this past year. I have a new taste for life.

And this new beginning I worked hard for is slowly taking shape and it will bring amazing possibilities and so much awesomeness! I can feel it. I can feel it in my bones. I can taste it!

terça-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2015

Escaping reality

The magic of ordinary days is slowly turning into a living nightmare... back at my parents' house I spend most of my days listening to music, reading and watching movies. I hardly have the will to get out of bed. I feel like a ghost of my former self. My computer died on me Sunday night and it'll take 30 days or more to get fixed. That's how life goes in the country, I guess. There's really not much to say... nothing special has been happening. It's been raining a lot which I enjoy. I like to listen to the rain fall outside and imagine I'm someone else, somewhere else. I keep having these strange dreams though... in all of them I die. The last few days I drowned, got shot and got stabbed. I wonder where all that is coming from. A friend told me I'm reliving past lives. I think it's just my subconscious letting me know it's fucking bored! As am I. I am SO bored I keep dreaming up these movie-like deaths to keep me entertained. And that's what's been up lately. I guess I should try writing some poetry again but I am not at all inspired. I don't really know what I would write about. Maybe I should write about the crow that flew over me as I drove into town the other day. That was one majestic bird. So black... black as night. And it's wingspan was huge. It had the most beautiful and graceful flight. My mind went blank as I watched it fly way ahead of me. All the worries I constantly run through my mind were gone for a few moments. And it was the best feeling I had in months. Like a weight being lifted from my shoulders... even if for a few seconds. I long for more than a few moments of such a feeling of peace. I was happy once... it was a long time ago but I remember the sound of my laughter and how it felt like to be happy and carefree. I remember what it was like to feel at peace. I am tormented now. Tormented by the changing times, tormented by memories of what was and never will be. Tortured every night by dreams of hope and love, and by nightmares of despair and death. Tortured by all things created by my own devices. How can such things be undone and forgotten? I want to forget myself and fly away like that crow. I want to drift off and not be tortured by my own mind. I want to feel as happy awake as I feel in my dreams. It's sad that I need dreams to escape reality...

sexta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2015

quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2015

Random thoughts

I've spent the past few days (I don't know how many days have passed since I last wrote on here) watching old romance movies and crying. I could barely pull myself together and get out of bed. Feels like I could sleep for a thousand years. But something shifted today... I started talking to my friends again, I went out (all afternoon, thank you very much!), I listened to music, I danced in my undies after showering (something I haven't done in ages!). I felt some sort of happiness even though I'm still not sure what's going to happen. But the thing is I'm weighing my options and figuring out what's best for me. I've also been watching this new show called Hindsight... it's a blast! Can't wait for next week's episode!

Right now I'm so tired... I'm having a hard time gathering my thoughts. I can barely keep my eyes open. On my playlist right now The Runaways are playing Wait For Me. All I have to do now is just breathe and wait for my life to shift gears and just... look forward. That's what's on my menu now. No more sugar coated thoughts or cotton-candy dreams about love. Love is pain. If you spell it backwards it's "EVOL"... evil. I guess that in my case that's the truth. Or maybe I just have the worst luck in the universe... and the worst taste in men. Both of those have always been my doom. It's quite funny now that I think back and replay my whole love-life in my head... I surely do have the worst taste in men. Well... no more of that now. I am focusing on myself. It's time to drop the "if you don't like me as I am, you're not worthy" crap and start with the "I have to love myself first" because if I don't love myself no one else will. But... basically, I just want to love myself. I don't want or expect to find love again. EVER! Maybe for a small kitten. :) My crazy cat-lady starter kit.

2015 hasn't started off that well but I'm sure I can turn it around. I have to. I don't want to just sit here feeling sorry for myself not knowing what to do or where to turn. I'm going to start doing all the things I used to do before that lit up my face and made me smile. I'm going to talk to my friends, laugh at their jokes and laugh with them, I'm going to go out more often, I'm going to rock out to Veruca Salt every time I get out of the shower, I'm going to write and take up photography again, I'm going to sing and watch all the movies I love, I'm going to listen to all the bands I used to listen to during the 90's, I'm going to scream all those lyrics as loud as I can, I'm going to dance, I'm going to be the best version of me I possibly can be right now. Eventually I will grow as person. But I refuse to become the person everyone expects me to be.

And after a few months of "forcing" happiness down my throat I will wake up smiling one morning and realize that I am happy. And that I don't need anyone else to make myself happy. I can do it on my own. I can be happy on my own. I will be happy. That's my main goal right now: be happy. I used to settle for contentment. But that won't do at all... it's like being a weird zombie type thing. I don't want to be a weird zombie type thing. I just want to be allowed to be myself. I am myself. I'm not going to apologize for being who I am. And I am a person who has no patience for any kind of fucked up drama. But that's all well and done. I will never let any of that sort of thing into my life again. I was so blinded by the longing for someone to love that I stumbled. But now my eyes are wide open and I am aware of everything. And what once could have been... is no longer. It's dead. But death brings the promise of rebirth. And I am slowly bringing myself back to life.

segunda-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2015


I could hear the sound of my own heart breaking. It was like the loudest thunderstorm you could ever be caught in yet no one else could hear it. Not even him... I was torn apart. He tore me apart. There's nothing left. All I had left I gave to him and he just broke it and burnt it to the tiniest imaginable cinder. When the cold wind blows through there will be nothing left to remind him of what could have been, of what he ruined. I don't have any tears left either. I am numb. Once again I feel nothing. I just want to spend my days lying in my bed pretending it was all a nightmare and that my heart is still locked away safe within my ribcage. But there are moments when reality hits me like a ton of bricks and like a rush of blood to the head all those memories, pleasant and unpleasant, come rushing in... and it makes it even harder to let go. But I know I must... I have to let go. I can't live like this anymore. Love isn't supposed to be like this. Love shouldn't be this hard... love is patient, love his kind. But loving him was never easy... he never made it easy. He constantly thought up new and fucked up ways to make me a villain in his fantasy. Maybe he just did that so he could be rid of me... mostly because I think I didn't live up to the fantasy he had of this perfectly intellectual New Yorker who loves everything he loves, agrees with everything he says and hangs on his every word. But I am not like that. I am wild and refuse to be tamed. If you want to love me, love me as I am... love the sweat, love the wild... love all of me. But stop looking for things that aren't there, stop making up fucked up scenarios that don't go AT ALL with my personality. I am not that monster you want me to be. I am a person. I had feelings. I had feelings for you but you had to take what was beautiful and pure and twist it all up and turn it into a freak show. And the silence... it doesn't bother me. It just strengthens my resolve.

Maybe we just burned up too quickly... so much so that we ended up consuming each other in our own fire. At least it burnt with the power of a thousand suns. We set ourselves on fire and watched each other burn. What beautiful fire we made... But now even the ash of those fleeting moments isn't enough to keep us warm at night. And I will never be enough for you. You don't accept me and you never will. You always agree with me and tell me that I'm right but then you go back and ruin everything. Why? It's exhausting and I can't bare it any longer. I'm sorry. I loved you. But I can't do this anymore. Love brings peace it doesn't muffle it. All I ever wanted was peace and quiet. A toned down quiet life with someone to hold my hand and sit with on a porch having tea. That was my dream. That's all I ever wanted. I don't want to wallow in the past. I don't care about anything that happened before. It's pointless. But you just can't let go and now it's come to this... A blog post. I don't really know why I'm even taking the time to write this on here... I guess I just want you to read my final thoughts (although fragmented) and I wanted to vent. I have no one to talk to. So I talk to the world. Maybe someone will listen and know what I'm feeling. And if these words of mine can help just one person then they have served their purpose. As for me... I'll go back to weeks, even months maybe, of wallowing in self-pity, self-doubt, sleepless nights and dark days, numbness, an empty ribcage, all wrapped up in beautiful silence.