I've been a living in Portugal for many years. My parents are portuguese. I came here to go to school. I ended up staying here for university. I've always loved this country but now... now I am starting to hate it! I've waisted years of my life studying trying to better myself for nothing. I am a teacher on the verge of unemployment. And I am not alone. There are thousands more. And we're all in this position because of corruption. The whole system is corrupt. The government is corrupt. If you look up the word "corruption" in the dictionary you will find a picture of the portuguese government. The legal system is a joke. Tax payers are paying a shit load of money so that we can be daily sodomized by everyone. The little guy always gets screwed. What are we to do? It would be a whole different case if we were lazy and wanted to stay at home doing nothing and getting welfare. But it's not the case. We WANT work! There has to be a solution. You can't just fire us all to make room for your fucking "friend of a friend" politics. And you surely can't have a phys. ed. teacher teaching computer science. What the hell does he know about it anyway? He knows how to write letters with MS Word, or some basic functions on MS Excel... ah! and he has a fucking facebook profile. That's how you fucking governamental idiots think of us? You need a reality check. Or maybe advise your fucking "friends" to get the right university degree so us REAL teachers don't feel like we're being fucked. It's absolutely unacceptable! They don't even try to hide the fact that they're getting "jobs for the boys". It's a fucking conflict of interest. What the fuck is going on? Is this the world we live in today? Are we always going to be defined by the people we know? If you don't know the right people you are definitely fucked for life. What are we to do? lay down and die? I refuse to do so. I think it's time for another revolution...
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