sexta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2009

Words of Passion

"An unjust law is no law at all." - St. Augustine

These are words of passion. These words provided the foundation of civil disobedience movements across the globe. Revolution! Passion and belief... passion in belief! In the past minorities have fought passionatly for their beliefs, for their rights and for their freedom. And it was righteous! And now... what have we become? A disfunctional society of robots thrust into a daily routine... a flock of passionless sheep striving for material goods. Eating up every comercial publicity stunt that wants nothing more but to reach deep into our pockets by convincing us that we need what we don't need. Drinking the poison that springs up from the mouths of politicians. Hopeless zombies conformed... without beliefs... without passion. What does the future hold for us? Slaves to technology, slaves to coin... slaves, nonetheless. When will we wake up and think for ourselves? I look around and see my friends that mimic thoughts other people had long ago, not knowing where they came from, and it saddens me... it frightens me! We must pause and look back in history to find the inspiration to stand up to opression that, even subtle, still exists. We all talk too much, not knowing the meaning of our words, and we're lacking in action.

Our passion for words has withered... And our words of passion have faded away throughout history...

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