" Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone!" - Joni Mitchell
So true! I agree with her... we always want what we can't have. We only realize how good things are after we've lost them or take them for granted. And then what do we do? We kick ourselves in the ass and try to get it back but sometimes it's just too late. And then what do we do? We do it all over again... It's funny how sometimes we don't learn what we should. We only pay attention to what's not important and overlook the most trivial and beautiful things in our lives. Why is that? Why are we such assholes? Why are we such idiots?
"...a big yellow taxi took away my old man..." - Joni Mitchell
Sometimes we're such assholes that we can't even notice how we're destroying everything and everyone around us. We sabotage our own relationships and blame everyone but ourselves. We point out their faults and never look to our own. We're quick to criticize others and never ourselves. We like to dish dirt on other people but never "enjoy" knowing that others are dishing dirt on us. We love a good scandal... when it's not our own. We love to hear someone else's drama or dificulties but never understand why people are so interested in our own shity dramas. We're funny that way...
A big yellow taxi took away my old man... Joni, you were lucky! My old man didn't even wait for the big yellow taxi... he practically jumped out the window (good thing I don't live on the top floor of my building) or maybe I just shoved him out the door... I haven't decided yet. But I'm more inclined to believe that I did all the shoving and the pushing... I guess I felt it was time to be on my own.
I am loving it! :D I can finally breathe and I feel free and able to express myself in ways I couldn't before because "assholity" prevented me from... well... being myself. In the end, I just got fed up with the whole enchilada and decided to drop it. I got the floor dirty, but not my hands! And now I am my own person - wild and free! I've got my own big yellow taxi to catch...
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