I am serene... I stand on my own two feet and I don't need another person to validate my existence. I can be happy by myself and my friends will keep me company... if not, I will get a cat. I can sit in absolute silence and not feel feel afraid or lonely. I can dance in the rain and not wait for someone to bring me a towel... I will get my own. I don't need anyone to laugh at my jokes because I already know they're funny. I don't need anyone to listen to me sing because I have my friend Jisas and he always listens! I don't need someone to read my poetry and tell me that it's great because it's not about being great, it's about pouring out my soul. I never did need anyone to hold back my hair as I puke my guts out because I'm shitfaced (I never did get that plastered and I have really short hair...). I don't need someone to rub my neck when I'm sore, I can take a pill or rub it myself. I don't need anyone to take a bubble bath with and talk about trivialities... I can take a bath on my own and sing to myself and I have the internet to talk to people about anything. I really don't need to get my heart broken over and over again because of all the lies people tell me. I can watch the world news for that... I don't need anyone to talk me to sleep because I can fall asleep watching the discovery channel. I don't need someone to tell me everything's going to be alright because I already know it can't get any worse... things can only get better. I don't need you to ask how my show was and I don't need you to tell me I look nice. I don't need you to ask me how I am and I don't even need you on my contact list anymore. Actually, I don't need you at all! You're just a memory... not a bad one and not a good one... just a memory (that'll fade away with time).
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