quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2011

Going back

I often find myself wondering if I could go back in time what would I do different? Would I change anything? Would I try to "fix" my life? Maybe the question I should ask myself is if I could go back knowing what I know today would I do anything different? I thought about it very carefully and the truth is I made many mistakes throughout my life. I am not that old but I have quite a record of bad decisions and mistakes. Even though I am aware that many people hold such mistakes against me I don't think I'd change anything because every decision I made however wrong it was it made me who I am today. And I must say that I like who I am now. I don't like who I was but I am content with who I am. Of course there are things that I'd like to change but I realize that everyone has something they'd like to change. And you know what? That's just how life is... if we were all perfect and happy we would be gods and therefore we'd be somewhere else and not on this Earth and that would be a shame because however gloomy, harsh and unfair the world can be it also has such beauty and simplicity that it makes my heart weep and sing and the same time. It's true that I am not happy with my surroundings... but I am trying to make the most of it. I am trying to live and let live... as for the people who live here it's another story. They do anything but live and let live... they like to make other people's lives living hells... but you know what? For the innocent the past may hold a reward but for the treacherous it's only a matter of time before the past delivers what they truly deserve...

3 comentários:

the beyoncification process disse...

the past makes you who you are now, aware and focused...if you trust you all the way you wont go wrong..its when you put trust in others...

Fred Maywood disse...

I sometimes think about this as well, but overall I am content on where my life is now.

Edna disse...

I am content... but I sometimes wonder about where or who I would be if I had taken different roads... and content is not happy. I feel like there's something missing from my life... I have a hole inside of me that I can't fill because I haven't figured out what's missing. D'you understand? It's like I miss what I never had... but don't quite know what IT is.