I've been having conversations with someone about "the one". Should we settle for second best? Or should we hold out for "the one"? Should we live in the in between or should we hope for the perfect love? I don't think I could ever settle for second best... actually I tried second best and I just felt bitter and empty. You can try to jam a piece of a puzzle which is missing the right piece but you'll never get that perfect fit and if you're like me you know you can't just let that puzzle be unfinished. I like to believe that there is a perfect someone out there for all of us... but if we keep settling for second best, if we keep moving into the in between, we'll never get our perfect someone because he's with his second best dreaming of you.
6 comentários:
You think it's a perfect fit, you know there could be nothing that could ever bother you, and yet with the passing of time it's all starting to fade.
It's in our nature to want more, to hope for something better, but what if there's nothing better!?
What if you discover that all that you thoght existed in that one person was just in your mind?
I have also been stareing at the moon once, and hoped that"the one" was doing the same thing so that we could be one, and know the beating of our hearts that were ment to be.
As it happens, "that one" wasn't looking. But, someone else was, someone I didn't settle for. Someone that truely loved me at that time.
In my quest for what I thoght was perfect, I have fund nothing but bitter dissipointment and pain.
Now I can happily settle, but there's one problem: At the moment, I might be the bitter dissipoinment:)Life is a cruel irony!
It also happened to me. I moved on from someone that loved me too... but the truth is I didn't love them back... If I had stayed with them it would have been the same as staying in limbo. I also got my heart broken and had my share of disappointment but I'm not willing to give up. I still stare at the moon and wonder... You got the thing all wrong... it's not looking for something better, it's looking for the other half of yourself. How can you settle for someone else's half? What might confuse you and trust me it confuses all of us is how do you know who's your better half? Well... the truth is if you don't know yourself how can you ever find your other half?
I'm trying with everything I got to understand this point of view, but I'm a very logical person, I cant dream about something that I have no proof of.
Soemetimes I hope that everything is written in the book of time and we are blindly following it without the knowledge of it's existence.
But I know there's nothing written, and no higher purpose. Just us crawling in the mud we create, thicker or thiner.
Happines is in each and every one of us, we just have to see it.
What is logical about "book of time"? I get the whole "you can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes you get what you need" thing but I am not the type of person who settles for "confortable" or "okay"... I need, want and deserve "Excellent". Is that so hard to grasp? If you're the kind to just settle for "fine" then I'm sorry for you because you gave up on everything... you just gave up on life. It's like life throws you a curve ball and you're just fine with it and you don't even try to hit it. You're like "man, I can't hit curve balls... let it just pass me by."... That's kind of sad I think.
Ther's nothing logical about the "book of time", that's just it! I'm sorry you think I gave up on life, because I did't, I'm just beeing realistic.
This is where I take a bow, and take my leave, because I have found what I was looking for.Thank you. I wish you all the luck and happiness!:)It's been interesting!
I wish you all the best too. It has been interesting. :) Rock on, dude!
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