sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2011

Tired of being lonely...

I don't post a lot of songs on my blog but I thought tonight I should try to fill my heart with... I just want to feel something. I've been empty for so long and I'm trying to... I really don't know what I'm trying to do or feel... I just now that I'm a shadow of the person I was or should be. I have no one to lean in close to but I am definitely tired of being lonely...

8 comentários:

Eddy disse...

Hello again lost one!

I guess if I'd say I can relate to what I read here,it would sound
cliche. Was about to ask you in my other comment, the question that I ussully ask everybody, because I'm gathering facts. :D
What drives you, what makes you tick?
But for you I already have the answer now. You are driven by the same thing that drives me:P
But there's a problem. What happens, when that runs out?
I am really afraid of that day :D
Sry I'm not the one that can give any advice. I just hope :D I can offer a band aid patch; just beacause for a long time i needed one, and there was no one there holding one:P

Edna disse...

You know... I've often thought about what makes me get out of bed in the morning. And I have to say that it's not about me anymore. I feel like crap all the time... lonely, freakish, out of place. I think my family and music keep me hanging in there. I can't imagine a life without music or without my family pushing me to do better. But the truth is I do feel alone and like no one gets me. I was always affraid of living alone and chased boys like crazy. But I came to the conclusion that the wrong boy won't make me feel less lonely. So I just gave up on all the wrong boys and started living with the notion that I am what I am and I don't want to hide it anymore. I'm me... and I am here f ever the right boy comes along. But I'm not holding my breath. :)

Eddy disse...

I find it quite hard to beleive that music can offer much comfort in some situations. I used to hang on to this too, when I was a little younger, but it just stopped working at some point.
About the family part..yup, I completly agree, and not necessarily family, but for all the people who have been there, everybody that has been kind when we didn't espect kindness.
About the right person..umm, I've stopped looking for right one some time ago,I beleive that without real compromise from both sides, there can't be real understanding.
Well, nite, im off to bed, looking farward to your next posts :)

Edna disse...

You know...I think compromise just leads to resentment. I could never settle for second best. But hey, that's just me. :)

Eddy disse...

Compromise may lead to resentment, but the lack of it leads to loneliness in most cases, so I guess we should settle for something in between, if there is such thing:)
I think I can go on like this forever:P Stop me when I'm getting too annoying :D

Edna disse...

The in between isn't good enough... at least not for me. I'd rather be alone than live with a hole inside me always wondering "What if...?".

nimic.intersant disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Eddy disse...

Ok, understood! I settle for in between, u don't :) And I think thats great, but I dont think it's pure ambition that led to this outcome. When I used to think this way, it was because of a certain someone that I thoght to be perfect for me:) In wich case I was terribly wrong.
From my point of view..there is no perfect match, there's just a person that can complete or just improve me.(this is just another definition for "in between" :D)
Yup, this is a good subject for my next post on my own blog. Nite!

Posted this with the wrong google adress, sryz:P