Sometimes when it rains it's like I can see my life passing by inside the raindrops... each of them carrying one vivid memory of my past and plays in slow motion so I can see over and over the mistakes I've made. I try destroying these raindrops between my fingers but millions more holding even deeper memories drop on my head, my face and the earth surrounding me. The earth is wet with memories... mine and other people's. Everyday I step on the ground thinking I'm stepping through my memories and the memories of others that echo through the ground trying to make themselves heard or seen. They cry fro forgiveness, sing songs of lost loves, howl words of vengeance... I close my eyes and try to drown them out with my thoughts. But sometimes the thoughts I think aren't my own. It's like I have the thoughts of a small village echoing inside my head in different languages but all understandable. Maybe I just have more than one inner voice to guide me but that's plain mad because most of the times they clash and I can't make up my mind. And so I am roaming this earth trying to destroy raindrops, running from voices that don't exist and avoiding reality and normalcy. But what is normal anyway? Where is it written that normal is being, thinking, acting like everyone else? If so I don't want to be normal and am glad I am the way that I am. I don't want much from life... I just want to be left alone in my room watching my horror movies and listening to Led Zeppelin wearing just my pajamas and flip-flops dancing around... going to work everyday and having a blast with my students. I wish I wouldn't feel inadequate around the people here in this town. It's like I'm living some sort of invasion of the bodysnatchers. But the deal here is that they've all been taken over by aliens. They're all so mechanical and conniving... their smiles remind me of Kang and Kodos from the Simpsons. And well people... that's how freaky my mind works... I start out with poetry, raindrops, the whole shebang and end with cartoon aliens. How mental am I? :)
I hope everyone has a great day, I'm off to work!