sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2011

Under the same skies

What do you do when you happen to come across someone that has the same thoughts, hopes, imagination, likes and dislikes... and very much everything else in common? But what if that person is out of reach or unavailable to you? What if that person is already taken? Do you go back to the drawing board or do you just give up?

I dream of our long conversations about life, art, thought process, music, cinema... everything... anything. We could even write gibberish and still I'd be excited to read it. But I'm torn... this person is completely unavailable and far from me. I feel a storm brewing inside of me trying to burst out through a magnificent hue of emotion. And yet I am calm... I am calm, sad, excited, happy, weary, hopeful, hopeless... everything... nothing...

When will the universe stop slapping me around? When will it stop throwing these curb balls at me? Why must I hurt this much? I feel like a speck of dust forgotten by God enlessly blowing in the wind with no rest and no place to call home.

And even though we are under the same skies, enjoying the same sunsets and breathe the same air we are far apart and live in different realities. He is another's... and I am still alone looking out my window watching the rain fall waiting for my other half to knock on my door and make me whole again.

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