It was December 25th... Christmas. She went up north, where the winters are as baren as they are cold, to spend the holidays with her famil... Back in her small town the night comes swiftly and silently. She had the traditional Christmas dinner with her family: turkey with stuffing and sweet potatoes. They ate in silence. Silence bothers her... it always bothers her... since she can remember. She feels like the silence drowns her, eats her up and numbs her senses... as if she were dead. After dinner she went outside to smoke a cigarrete. She walked a little to collect her thoughts... she tried hard not to remember her youth which was spent there in those very fields... farmers coming and going, reaping what they sowed... love coming and going, turning into ash... a fire that was set with gasoline, with no chance of lasting a decent amount of time (at least enough to warm anyone's heart). Her childhood was pretty decent and happy. But has she grew up her life got harder and harder... and she always felt like she was being watched by eyes unseen... That night, as she was walking through the night in silence, she heard footsteps behind her and she felt those eyes once more. Eyes she hadn't felt in years, ever since she moved from this small village up north. Her skin crawled, and she felt a shiver running down her spine. SHe tried not to look back, because her grandmother had always warned her never to look back whenever she felt uneasy. But this time... this time she felt like she had to look back. Like her life depended on it. How wrong she was... As she slowly turned, she felt the life being sucked out of her. She had her eyes closed and as she slowly opened them she wished she never had gone out to have a smoke. She saw the most undescribable of creatures: a unhuman shape floating through the air, with devilish eyes and long cold fingers took over her sucking her breath and thus her life. A tear rolled down her face as she relived every second of her short-lived life. She remebered her first kiss and the first time she fell in love. She remembered her first heartache and the first time she felt she would die of sorrow. She remembered her first job and the last fight she had with her sister. She even remembered what she had for breakfast that very morning! But suddenly, she felt a warmth coming from within her and her heart exploded and all the pieces (millions!) were scattered through the cold air and they froze and turned into snow. The snow covered the earth where her body laid lifeless... She could see her body from above and she was reluctent to leave it. But she had no choice. Her life had been taken and was now the property of some unknown creature that lives in the shadows that belong to the night.
When her body was found she tried to confort her family... her lover. He was unconsolable. Crying... she had never seen him cry before. She tried to cry too but the tears would not come. She was no longer physical. She tried to prevent them from burying her body because she had one last glimmer of hope that she could still be revived... but her body was indeed buried and she felt horror, fear, sorrow, despair... loss... She didn't know how to get through to him. She didn't know what to do nor where to go. She was lost and anger slowly crept into her heart... even though she tried to fight it. She roamed the cemetery at night and during the day she remained by the side of her beloved, trying to confort him unaware that she made his pain even harder to bare. That night, when the pain was more than he could handle, he slit his wrists. As he slowly bled to death her face became clearer and clearer... When he could see her perfect face as clear as day... he could see her crying. He looked over his shoulder and say his body laying in a pool of blood. But he felt morbidely happy because he could see her once more and kiss her and feel her. Neither of them spoke. They just held hands and walked together shining a glorious warm light. They're both damned souls. But they both walk together holding hands keeping each other warm spreading love through these cold winter nights...
1 comentário:
Ednicas um excelente ano para ti!! Que para o proximo ano seja em grande pata ti. ;)
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