sábado, 19 de julho de 2014

My Cage

I am trapped in this cage I built. It's what happens when you build something from the inside. I forgot to build in a door, some sort of way out. Now I just sit here mesmerized by the beauty of this cage I built. It's beauty paralyzes me. It's so hypnotic I can't even move. And I sit there for hours, days, months... And as the rust starts to build I convince myself it's even more beautiful. It's beautiful because I built it and it's mine. I am so drawn to it's beauty that I don't even notice life passing me by. I just sit there looking at pieces of rusty dreams I kept pilling up around me and I miss everything else. I don't see anything but this heap of lies I swallowed and birthed into dreams I can't even remember anymore. I stand up, angry. I want to take a hammer, a torch and destroy it all. But I am still reeling... I know that I must but I can't. Not yet... Just a few more hours, a few more days. Maybe tomorrow...

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