I am eating a banana - yes I am being somewhat sarcastic towards this whole Facebook posting thing... everyone posts what they're doing, tweets what they're thinking, blog to moan and complain about anything and everything... And I am just another dork amist the "posting" masses that never put down their mobile phones or let go of their computers... the world is literally going to (pardon my french) shit! Our kids are growing up obese because they sit on their asses watching their LCD TV's or playing their stupid PSP's, we're all too busy to educate them properly, we're all getting brain cancer from being on the mobile phone too long... from inhaling unheathy crap (cigarrette smoke, gasoline fumes, etc)... we are killing the Earth but we are also killing ourselves slowly... we are the biggest IDIOTS that ever lived (yeah, even with all the god damned knowledge floating around in the internet we are STUPID... it's pathetic!). How can it be that MAN supposedely the most intelligent being on the planet is such an IDIOT? Have we learnt nothing? Cancer, HIV, etc... and still we smoke and have sex with strangers. I guess MAN has some sort of sick death wish. Hey guys! I'm not part of your group! I want to live! I love to watch butterflies flapping around! I love watching kittens at play with their mother! I love watching babies trying to say their first word without coughing up some funky weird substance because you stupid fucks can't quit smoking. Hey... I was a smoker... I smoked for many years. But why? I can't even begin to explain why... was it to look cool? Was it because everyone else smoked? I even told myself it was to reduce stress... I also told myself at one point that it helped my writting... but guess what? I quit smoking and still I write... So I am proud to say that I WAS part of the IDIOT group but I broke away. And now I am writting this hoping that even ONE person reads it and realizes that you don't need a cigarrette in your hand to look cool or badass... you don't need it to reduce stress... and you most definetily don't need a cigarrette to help you write or think or study or whatever... What you do need is to QUIT SMOKING! NOW! Your life depends on it! Everyone's lives around you depend on it! Stop being an IDIOT! Just chew on some piece of candy... or... eat a banana! Stop being part of the SFW? crew... Because life and everything else matters... You matter! I matter! The world matters! Wake UP!
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