I dream the dream of the sea. A dream of slowly cutting through the dark cold waters of the sea that washes the shores of the city that made and broke a girl that now, as a woman, still hasn't figured out who to be... Or maybe a dream about diving in blindly in the warm and wavy waters of the sea that bathes the beaches of the city that made possible the reinvention of a girl scorned by friends and family... Or maybe a dream about a girl standing still watching the waves crash on the sand while everyone else is moving and living... everyone is moving forward while she is stuck in one place unable to move. Stuck in time aging, living but a ghost! Maybe a dream about a girl asking the city by the sea for exile as her brown eyes reflect the tears brought by pain from what seems to be a previous life. Pain caused a lifetime ago by people that are now happily lying in the sun anf having fun... there is no justice for this girl which ever dream I dream. This girl whoever she may be standing still by the sea moves only in thought. She closes her eyes and she travels to imaginary places... magical places! Places worthy of an Avalon title. Maybe even travels to Avalon itself! But she still is unable to enjoy the beauty of such places because she is missing one half of herself... She knows she can't keep her eyes closed eternally. She can't keep them closed much longer. She can't keep moving between realities. Still... she is afraid to open her eyes because maybe then she will realize that she will always be alone standing by the sea staring at the water crying salty tears for something or someone that will never come... Or maybe... just maybe she'll hear the words: "open your eyes!" uttered by a sweet deep voice that she'll recognize even though she never met the person before. Open your eyes... smile... live! When?
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