There is no one left to whisper in my ear. No one left to hold my hand. No one left to watch me sleep. No one left to hold my hair when I'm drunk. No one there to smoke a joint with me while listening to old rock classics. No one there to watch a scary movie with. No one there to play guitar with. No one left to laugh at my stupid jokes. No one left to tell me I put on different colored socks. No one to hold me when I cry. No one to scream at when I'm mad. No one to go out to dinner with. No one to boss around when I'm feeling bitchy. No one to smile at me. No one to listen to my weird ideas or see my doodly drawings and call them genius! No one to sleep with. No one to talk to. No one to "text". No one to email. No one to talk about. No one to be a friend. No one to kiss. No one to touch. No one to grow old with. No one to love...