- Watch my kid succed in life
- Visit Stonehenge
- Go to Spain, Italy, Greece, Scotland, Ireland, New Orleans...
- Drive a classic Ford Mustang
- Become a university professor
- Fall in love again
- Go to the opera
- Play in a band again
- Buy a house in the country with blue doors and a huge fucking front porch
- Write a book of poetry
- Write one hit song
- Buy a Gibson guitar
- Ride on a rollercoaster
- Go to a Renaissance Faire
- By obscenely expensive shoes that I'll only wear once (just to see what it feels like walking in expensive heels... I hate wearing them... but I'll give it a shot once)
- Have a huge 3 day party with my best friends
- Learn karate (even if I have to go to Japan)
- Find the love of my life
- Plant a field of sunflowers
- Serenade the love of my life
- (Actually) go to Japan and have the tea ceremony with the love of my life (I'll have to find the love of my life first)
- Decorate my parent's house
- Get an awesome cat (russian blue).
- Make a documentary
- Become vegetarian
- Do some charity work
- Play a kick-ass last gig (using the gibson guitar I bought previously)
- Visit the Louvre and other fine arts museums
- And finally, kick my ex in the nuts!
And I guess that's it. I can't think of anything else I'd like to do. If you can, just add stuff through your comments. ;)
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