Normalmente gosto de observar o que se passa à minha volta e escrever sobre o que vejo, inventando histórias e situações que só poderiam mesmo existir no meu mundo perverso. Neste caso, a história foi criada porque observi um casal a discutir ao balcão do bar... e eu resolvi escrever qualquer coisa para ocupar o meu cerébro durante o processo de alcoolização...

You looked so good
I couldn’t breathe
I wondered if I should
Ask to buy you a drink…
But you were with her
And didn’t care for me
I was just a blur
How could I make you see?
I’d treat you right
I know I’m not her
But we’d never fight
Of that I am sure…
One day she’ll leave you
And I’ll still be free
What can you do?
I’ll make you love me…
You looked so good
I couldn’t breathe
I wondered if I should
Ask to buy you a drink…
But you were with her
And didn’t care for me
I was just a blur
How could I make you see?
I’d treat you right
I know I’m not her
But we’d never fight
Of that I am sure…
One day she’ll leave you
And I’ll still be free
What can you do?
I’ll make you love me…
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